artist Bio
Welcome to the world of an abstract mixed-media artist currently based in Birmingham, UK, with roots in the county of Lincolnshire.
work experience
Work Experience:
2022 - Present: BHP Collectibles Curator and Contemporary Art Client Sales Advisor
2020: The Great Sheffield Art Exhibition
2019: 'Strength in Loss' - One of 50 artists in the 'Loss and Lucidity' exhibition at Fabrica Braco de Prata in Lisbon
2018 - 2021: Birmingham City University
2016 - 2018: Grantham College
2010 - 2016: Kesteven Grantham Girls School
Artistic Philosophy
My goal is to create art that captures my view of the world and expresses the complex emotions that come with it. It's for the people who question the rules of art. I gain inspiration from the world and am guided by my emotions.
Grants & Awards
2018: Golden Arts Award in Grantham
2018: Student of the Year
Art can be about being yourself, discovering who you can be, losing who you are, reminding yourself of what you can achieve and then doing it all over again, simply because expressing the journey is a part of who you are.
Media and Techniques
Acrylic, watercolour, collage, photography, and digital manipulation.
I aim to create a vibe that can't easily be expressed through words.​
Collections and Representations
My work is currently represented by BHP Collectibles and is on display there.
2020: The Great Sheffield Art Exhibition
2019: 'Strength in Loss' - Part of the 'Loss and Lucidity' exhibition at Fabrica Braco de Prata in Lisbon
Email: maddie.lainchbury@gmail.com
Website: www.madelinejoyart.com
Instagram: @madelinejoyartist
LinkedIn: Madeline Joy Lainchbury